Developing your current leaders and developing your bench strength are critical components to achieving the results the organization desires and for ensuring the sustainability of the organization.
Seamless leadership transitions happen when organizations practice well developed succession planning processes. We work with you to create customized systems that enable you to identify and develop future leaders, middle managers, and executives as well as help your senior leaders prepare for retirement.
Our approach:
1. Analysis - The first phase involves developing a solid understanding of the challenges the company and its industry are facing and may be facing in the future, and the skills and experiences that your current and future leaders need to lead the company past those hurdles.
2. Identification - Using a systematic method for evaluating leaders that includes suitability and eligibility assessment, performance evaluations, and interviewing, leaders are identified for specific job assignments appropriate for their current developmental level.
3. Development – The development needs of the current executive team are clarified and a plan is implemented to enable the executive team to perform well together and lead the organization towards its desired results. For the future leaders, a great deal can be done in two to four years to develop leaders at all levels, whether it involves managing just a few people, rotations in different functional areas, or international assignments in order to get them ready for the increasingly complex leadership assignments.
4. Transition – Once the candidates are selected for their positions, a best-practices transition focuses on both the on-boarding process and first 6-12 months for leaders in new positions. There should be clarity regarding the immediate and anticipated demands of the job so the leader is prepared to meet them. On-boarding refers to the process of getting up to speed on the job. A coaching plan for the first 6 months to a year should be in place depending on the level of the leader. Providing a coach offers a supportive and apolitical resource that helps the leader continue to do the personal work necessary to effectively meet the demands of the job. And, preparing senior leaders for their transition into retirement can have an important impact on how successfully the future leaders transition into their roles.